Day in the Life of Mim

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anxiety and the Parent

I think, with some teens with Aspergers, anxiety is a real issue. As a parent, I do my best to help my daughter through these bouts, but am distressed on how my own attitude regarding her anxiety affects her. I try so hard to be loving, but matter a fact, but I know the distress I feel for her shows on my face and does not help. The problem is that I am going through a transition period, trying to get my home based business going, worrying about the bills, etc. As a single parent this whole scenario is really, really tough. Add to that having not one but two kiddos with anxiety problems and it makes for a very rocky household.

 There are times, such as now, when I wish that I was the perfect mom, that I was more than I am. That I could keep calm in the face of the continual turmoil that is around me. However, it is very, very hard, if not impossible to be a "rock" of a mom. I wish, I pray at times that I was not so sensitive to all that is around me. That, if one of my daughters begin getting an anxiety attack, I can calmly say, whatever productive words that mom's are supposed to say and all would be well.

However, I know that I can only do my best (flawed as it is),pray for help and guidance from above, and be the best parent I can be. I am not perfect, but I do love both my children very much. That has got to count for something. 

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