Day in the Life of Mim

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Triggers, what is happening now?

As a parent, I dread the triggers that seem to trigger my child into a major anxiety attack. Sometimes it seems to me like my daughter has lost total control of her emotions and cannot find her way back, when she is caught in the ever circling, every terrifying maelstrom of an anxiety attack. However, I have learned a few things that can head off these attacks. Sometimes, she just needs to vent her frustration; sometimes she can go to her room and draw or write which helps her to relax; or allowing her to go back to bed and sleep also helps. But, there are times when nothing seems to work and then we just have to ride this maelstrom of anxiety out together.

Today, I found a great article entitled, How to Find Behavioral Triggers That Set Your Kids Off from (a really handy and great website that I highly recommend.) Which goes into what are or could be behavioral triggers for our child/loved one and how we, as parents, can discover these triggers and, if not eliminate them, be aware of them and hopefully forestall emotional maelstroms of anxiety.